Dyslexia Awareness Month

In honor of Dyslexia Awareness Month, FULCRUM’s team has curated a list of some of our favorite tools, sites, videos, and podcasts to support your understanding and practice.

Foundational Information

  • National Center on Improving Literacy: Dyslexia Toolkit
    Five online tutorials on what dyslexia is, how schools can screen students, how to identify school-based supports, and what effective reading instruction looks like, including ways to intensify reading instruction, for students with dyslexia.

  • Dyslexia Alliance for Black Children: Literacy & Dyslexia Roadmap
    Interactive guide for navigating the education system, with video learning modules provided for each “stop” along the journey including reading instruction in the classroom, universal screeners, student support plans, and more.

  • International Dyslexia Association: Knowledge and Practice Standards
    Outline of the knowledge and practical skills the International Dyslexia Association’s Educator Training Initiatives (ETI) Committee has determined to be pivotal for educators to teach reading proficiently.

Tools & Websites

Professional Development

  • The Reading League: Understanding Dyslexia
    On-demand webinar exploring how brain development differs for people with dyslexia, what critical indicators look like, what a dyslexia diagnosis means in the school setting, and more.

Videos & Podcasts

Anything you would add to this list? Let us know! Send us a message and share your favorite resources.


Mental Health Mirage: A Raising Moxie Podcast