How We Work

FULCRUM is dismantling barriers to children’s literacy.

We work directly with educators, districts, community-based organizations, educator preparation programs, departments of education, and more to pave the way for change.

Kareem Weaver Sabrina Moore speaking on panel

Educating the Community

  • Provide direct coaching to system and site leaders

  • Host Literacy Learning Walks, providing opportunities to see Science of Reading-aligned programs in action

  • Participate in panel discussions and serve as keynote speakers

  • Offer advisory services to system and state leaders

  • Elevate models of excellence and stories of success

  • Empower parents and supporters with resources to support effective advocacy for change

Disrupting the System

  • Provide advisory services to system and state leaders

  • Challenge K–12 school systems to adopt, support, and implement structured literacy practices

  • Influence K–12 HR departments to prioritize the hiring of teachers trained in the Science of Reading

  • Encourage educator preparation programs to align coursework with research-based methodologies

  • Identify and share structured literacy-aligned curricula, serving as a resource for teachers, system leaders, and parents looking for evidenced-based solutions

  • Cultivate relationships with system decision-makers and offer guidance on change management

Educator group Seaford

Bridging the Divide

  • Connect historically separated factions and facilitate collaborative discussions

  • Build aligned coalitions with community, parent, and professional groups

  • Facilitate access to valuable data, research, and subject matter experts for policymakers

  • Direct parents and community members to resources and trainings to help them productively connect with schools

Join the movement

Access to Literacy—Access to Life

FULCRUM is committed to ending our nation's most solvable problem: illiteracy. We are leading a movement to create lasting change.